Thursday, August 2, 2012

pretty happy funny real (Instagram edition)

Do you Instagram?  I'm new to the whole Instagram experience (and I'm not really sure how to use it yet) but I'm having fun and I thought a p,h,f,r post of Instagram photos from my phone would be fun.

Pretty - Daughter #1 got some new curlers for her hair.  

Happy - Daughter #2 has amazing hair - super-thick and wavy, but no so great for brushing.  It was becoming a chore to keep it looking neat, so we decided to chop it off.  She was so excited and happy after the cut.  It's been almost a week now and she is still thrilled about brushing it herself without tears.

Funny - I LOVE how this Instagram filter gave me - and the girls - a halo!

Real - veggies from the garden - complete with dirt so you know they're authentic.

Visit LMLD for more p,h,f,r!