Thursday, March 7, 2013

pretty, happy, funny, real

A quick {pretty, happy, funny, real} post for a Thursday.
Norah turned 8 recently.  She had an 1860s afternoon tea party. 
Here, the birthday girl poses with her younger sister.

We finally got some snow!  It was really more rain than snow, but there was enough for these 2 to get outside and make snowmen.  None of us have minded the mild winter here in the DC metro area, but in all honesty, we have missed the frequent snowstorms of Wyoming.
I drove by this intersection a couple days ago and it made me laugh.  I wonder if it was intentional?  Is there a Tolkien fan in the city planning office? 
If we really have moved to Mordor, I hope Frodo gets here soon. 
No one wants Sauron as a neighbor.

She started a pet-walking service. 

We've moved into our REAL house.  When we left Wyoming at the end of the summer, we chose to rent for a while.  We thought we'd be in the rental for a year, but found a great house sooner than expected and moved in a couple weeks ago.  It's been unsettling moving twice in a short period of time, but we are all enjoying the new house and are thankful to be in it.

Visit Like Mother Like Daughter for more p,h,f,r!

Friday, February 1, 2013

March for Life 2013

We attended the March for Life as a family this year.  It was inspiring to be in Washington D.C. for such an important event.  It felt almost like being at a big family reunion... do you know what I mean?  That feeling when everyone around you shares the same core belief and is united by some purpose.  The March for Life is important in many ways, but I think that among the top reasons is the sense of unity and hope that it instills in those who attend.   

The sheer number of people was awesome.  There were just so many people it was impossible to see the entire crowd.  There was a man near us at the rally who brought a ladder so that he could take photos above the crowd.  I should have asked to check out the view, but - honestly - the ladder made me a bit nervous.  Perhaps the best view we got was during the march itself as we went up "the Hill" toward the Supreme Court.  We were near the front of the march, so we could look back at all those following us. 

In the week following the March, various estimates have surfaced about the crowd size. It seems that there were easily 500,000, with a few estimates coming in at 650,000. The temperature in Washington that day hovered around 20 degrees. The wind was fierce and snow was falling at various times. It wasn't a particularly pleasant day on which to stand outside for hours, but hopefully the effort to put on a demonstration of this size will pay off one day (soon).