Thursday, November 3, 2011

pretty, happy, funny, real

One of my favorite blogs, "Like Mother Like Daughter", has a standard Thursday post called {pretty, happy, funny, real} - capturing the context of contentment in everyday life.  The best part?  Readers of their blog are invited to link-up with them on {p,h,f,r} day.  I have enjoyed seeing the posts from other readers of the Like Mother Like Daughter blog, so I figured it's time for me to join in!

The view out our bedroom window on Tuesday... not that I would have asked for snow just yet, but it is pretty.  And besides, we live in the mountain west; Fall snows are a fact of life.
 The girls on Halloween.  They were certainly happy!  When they were younger I was WAY more involved in their costumes, but this year they made choices on their own and found all they needed - and more - in the dress-up box.  We had an Irish dancer, a cheerleader (wearing an authentic outfit from my grade school cheerleading days at St. Barnabas) and a cow.

 We love our little town.  There are many things that make it a joy to live here, but high on the list is trick-or-treating on Main St.  Most of the stores and businesses that line our 10 block Main Street give out candy, small toys, and sometimes coupons! to trick-or-treaters on Halloween afternoon.
This particular business is very busy during hunting season, as you can see from the big sign across the front.  I thought it was funny that the trick-or-treaters were coming in the front, while the hunters were bringing their freshly killed game to the back for processing - hopefully nothing got confused in the process :)  It would have been REALLY funny if the people here would have given out jerky!
Our living room.  In the midst of a paint job.  A terrible mess, that's for sure.  But it's real.  There's no way to make progress without making a mess.  It was inconvenient for a few days, but the circa 1984 peach sponge-painting has been replaced by Benjamin Moore "bennington gray".  Aaaaahh, much better.


  1. What an absolutely gorgeous {pretty} that is! So glad you joined the link-up :)

  2. That fall snow is beautiful! We rarely get snow, just lashings of rain. I already have snow envy!

  3. No! The sponge painted peach is gone?!

    Also, the snow is a lot prettier on your property with trees. We have a whole lot of mud!

    Yay for your first P,H,F,R post!!!

  4. Beautiful snow, adorable kids, and I love the juxtaposition of the trick-or-treaters and the game processing - too funny!
    It must feel so good to repaint. It's all worth it!
    Thanks for joining in!

  5. I love what (and who!) comes out of the dress-up box.
